Let Us Help You

You have questions, we have answers. To help guide though the design and construction process we have developed the following resources based on frequently asked questions. If you would like to see a topic added to this list, please email us!

  • When your housing needs to change, does it make more sense to buy or to renovate your existing home? Read More…

  • What does it take to build a new home or an addition? How to think about costs. Coming soon…

  • What can you expect from working with an architect? What does an architect do? Coming soon…



We love the fascinating, complex, and endlessly rich world of design. Each month we choose a material, a concept, a building-method, or a place to explore in-depth. The beautiful AND the strange. Come to an event to experience the wonderful creativity of humankind. Leave inspired!


Design Bites - November Event - Postponed

Mud, mud, glorious mud! Building with earth can be both beautiful and sustainable. Earth buildings from the US and around the world. See the many manifestations of mud.

Relax with a glass of wine at LouElla’s Wine Shop in Durham, NC among fellow enthusiasts. Event is free.

Design Bites - December Event - Postponed

Storytelling is not just for the page. Come and see how narrative plays a role in space creation, from the abstract to the literal. Explore ways in which to use narrative to enliven the spaces you inhabit.

Relax with a glass of wine at LouElla’s Wine Shop in Durham, NC among fellow enthusiasts. Event is free.


Past Events

Design Bites - September Event

Join us for a guided tour of colorful tools and techniques used to alter perception. Get inspired by contemporary designers’ use of color to transform public and private space! A monthly “deep-dive” into a design topic of interest.

Relax with a glass of wine at LouElla’s Wine Shop in Durham, NC among fellow enthusiasts. Event is free - please RSVP